Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is new????????

Well I can honestly say that life is moving way too fast. I look at Sadie & tear up at the thought of her turning 2. I see such a beautiful young woman in Skylar & I want to rewind her so I can savour her for a few more years.

I feel like my whole life right now is my girls & I am trying to put that into balance but that is really hard. I waited so long for my family that it is hard for me to take a step back & ensure that I get time - I don't want to miss anything.

I marvel at other Mom's who dress their kids well, take them to sports, feed them right, clean their homes, work out, look great & have date nights. I honestly cannot figure out how to do it all. I fall into bed at night & can't remember what I did half an hour ago. I have a stack of books I am dying to read on my nightstand that are gathering dust. I can't keep my eyes open long enough to get through the first page.

And I am continually thinking of things I am missing - taking pictures, writing in Sadies baby book, organizing Sky's school work, returning calls, seeing friends, taking video's of the girls during "Lussier after dinner dance hour", washing those hand prints off of the window, mirror, tub, wall, fridge, cabinet, door - - - and the carpet! I am embarassed to even have someone look at it. But how on earth can you clean a carpet every day! My girls are a disaster with spills!

Well just writing this makes me want to take a nap. And it is story time in the Lussiers house. I love my life - I just need to find some balanace!

1 comment:

  1. When you figure it all out let me know!!

    I should take a picture of my night stand. There are three stacks of books/papers that I want to read, LOADS of dust, a barbie shoe, a barbie crown and a very fashionable little girl's hair accessory.

    Fingerprints on the windows? My windows are MADE of fingerprints! lol
